First citation in a scientific article of cataloged records from the Boris Achtartov Herbarium at the National Natural History Museum in Sofia

First citation in a scientific article of cataloged records of Origanum vulgare and Artemisia absinthium from the Boris Achtartov Herbarium at the National Natural History Museum in Sofia.
In the publication "Antioxidant Capacity of Herzegovinian Wildflowers Evaluated by UV–VIS and Cyclic Voltammetry Analysis":, researchers from the University of Mostar and the University of Split compare the antioxidant capacity of 4 aromatic herbs from the flora of Herzegobvina: Artemisi absinthium L., Artemisia annua L., Mentha × piperita L. и Origanum vulgare L. To summarize the distribution and popularity of these plants, the authors report the herbaria that have material from the above-mentioned species. Among the reported herbaria, is the Boris Achtarov Herbarium of the National Museum of Natural History Museum in Sofia, Bulgaria. The serial numbers of cataloged records of O. vulgare and A. absinthium are thus cited for the first time in a scientific publication since the implementation of the new standard numeration for the different collections in the museum. The latter has been introduced during the process of digitization of the collections. The information is currently stored in a database for managing biological collections – Specify, that has been specifically adapted to the museum’s collections within the DiSSCo-BG project. At present over 900 plants specimens have been registered, while other 3000 are to be entered in 2023. The database will also be linked to public systems for displaying and searching in virtual herbaria such as the Jointly administered herbarium management system and specimen database (JACQ).
The herbarium of NMNHS is registered in the Index Herbariorum with the acronym BNHM with two collections — higher plants and lichens. The collection of higher plants contains over 5,000 herbarium specimens. The lichen collection is one of the richest in the country with over 3,000 specimens, in very good condition and well organized.
In 2020, the herbarium was arranged in a new repository, in which the two collections were reorganized and stored under appropriate conditions.